Like talking to friends and acquaintances? When asking a question or answer can be given Ponurak short ... questioning Why they are asking what they simply asked you or wouldn't answer, giving them the best answer you?
There are a lot of talk in the community, these days a child of parents who scream and yell for their children. In fact, already the best selling book on Amazon a child is "scream-free Parenting" by Hal Runkel. Of course we acknowledge the irregularities and the screaming of subsequent damage to the children, but what about a simple approach that many parents uncomfortable when someone talking to their children in everyday situations.
"MOM, you can have a cookie?"... "No, I'm not cooking dinner because I have nothing better to ... will spoil your appetite!" Have a look at the expression of the child and, when it receives as the answer? It looks defeated. It believes, the comment in the exactly the way it was intended to feel "... stupid and Selfish.
And yet these same parents truly love their children deeply. The huge amount of energy they put on a daily basis to the well-being of their children. Sometimes there are two task only provide basic necessities. So Why then are they quickly attract the simple conversation?
I was in the House of a friend one day when his 10 year old daughter asked her mother why she that terrorists attacked the Trade Center in New York. Her mother replied, in a very cynical, "because they are terrorists and what the terrorists!" I know that if I asked my friend had the same question that we have detailed conversations, which involved an exchange of views and opinions and yet it dismissed as if it were asked: If zapragnela two of the heads of State instead of one daughter!
So, my question is this ... Why do some parents take role is the parent as a licence to speak to their children as Toma, using the same signal for annoyance, so their children feel only negative?
Of course parents are overworked, stressed and frustrated. At the age of two generations of the raising My kids 12 and 13, I know how many days can sometimes seem. But if attention is restricted to speak with other civilly and pleasantly, we in the effort itself by talking to our children?
Children learn from what they perceive their parents do. Long days "Do as I say not to do!" and "because I'm an adult and a child!"
The words and the way in which the parents choose to speak to their children will be the words and the way their children will one day speak back to them.
Let's put the "fun" back to our relationship with our children. They do not deserve the same respect and honor to present friends and coworkers.
Denny Hagel is the founder of the then woke. Parenting LLC, a company to provide parents with the tools and skills to raise their children the way nature intended it to be. His passion is to help parents create a deep and importance of their children based on mutual trust, respect and Unconditional love.She is the Mini-me syndrome and contributor to the infinite field Storage. Also works as a lawyer and coach the child for children. In addition, Denny is lifting and home schooling her two grandchildren. It offers free e-Book "becomes then woke parent"
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